Wednesday, February 2, 2011 much is TOO much?

MTV has been infamous for airing shows that have caused controversy for years.  With all of the reality shows, music videos, and series, they have managed to stir up things for viewers of all ages.  But when does it become too much?

To start off 2011, MTV aired their new show "Skins".  The controversial plot line explores issues such as dysfunctional families, mental issues (including eating disorders), sexual orientation identity, substance abuse and death.  Being that the social norm has changed, it makes you wonder what is the norm and if one evens exists anymore.

Although "Skins" is hitting on issues that teenagers deal with each and every day, parents are not happy with what their children are watching.  On that note, does it make it okay for this to air or should parents buckle down on what they allow their children to watch?  Parents are angry because they do not want their kids exposed to these kind of things but do they REALLY know what their kids do on a day to day basis?  For all they know their kids are dealing with the same issues but it goes unknown and unspoken about because their kids are scared to speak up about it. it okay for MTV to be airing "Skins" or are parents right when it comes to it being too much for the eyes of teenagers or viewers of all ages?  Would you react the same way if you were a parent compared to being a high school or college student?  Only you are able to determine that decisions when it comes to your own children.