Thursday, April 21, 2011

Technology on the Rise

Technology has been around for as long as anyone can remember.  From desktops, video games, hand held games, cell phones to there are tablets.  Apple has the iPad, Motorola with the Xoom, and Samsung with the Galaxy.  Companies are always coming out with the latest and greatest for consumers to become obsessed with and spend their money on and thats what the three companies did.
With the battle between the three tablets, there was the battle between people getting the hand held computer into their own hands.  The question is which one is #1?  That decision always ends up coming from the consumers.  They are the ones using the items day in and day out, not putting them down.  The next question is is it really worth the money?  With new editions constantly coming out, why spend the money on the first edition of things.  Granted all three tablets make things very convenient, but will they ever be exactly what people want in a product?  Will it ever meet every standard all types of consumers want?

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